Thoughts between the lines from the NEOS lab: Throughout history

Throughout history, many royal figures have recognized and harnessed the healing power of nature, essential oils and herbs. This practice spans multiple civilizations and eras, being a testament to traditional wisdom that transcends cultures and times. Here are some notable examples:
### Cleopatra of Egypt
Cleopatra VII is famous for her extensive use of essential oils and milk baths for skin care and beauty maintenance. She is said to have had a special affinity for frankincense and myrrh oil, used not only for cosmetics but also for their aromatic and therapeutic properties.
### Queen of Sheba
The Queen of Sheba, a prominent figure in both the Bible and the Koran, is known for her visit to King Solomon, in which she brought him precious gifts, including spices and myrrh. These elements were valued for their aromatic and medicinal properties, highlighting the importance of the trade in oils and herbs in the ancient world.
### King Solomon
King Solomon is often associated with wisdom and deep knowledge of nature. He is said to have had lush gardens of medicinal and aromatic plants, which he exploited for their healing properties and for ritual practices.
### Emperor Nero of Rome
Nero, the Roman emperor, is known for his passion for perfumes and his extravagant use of them. He often ordered fountains to be filled with rose petals and had special rooms where perfumes were sprayed through the walls, demonstrating an early appreciation for the power of scents.
### Emperor Charlemagne of the Franks
Charlemagne (Charlemagne) encouraged agriculture and had a great appreciation for medicinal and aromatic plants. He ordered the planting of herb and medicinal herb gardens throughout his empire, highlighting their importance in food and medicine.
### Queen Elizabeth I of England
Elizabeth I of England was known for her interest in cosmetics and the use of plants for personal care. She used various oils and plant extracts to keep her complexion and appearance youthful despite the times when hygienic and cosmetic practices were limited.
These examples illustrate the universal recognition of the healing power of nature and the essential role that herbs and essential oils have played in the lives and health of kings and queens throughout history. By harnessing these natural resources, these royal figures contributed to the preservation and transmission of knowledge about the therapeutic properties of plants.
### Cleopatra of Egypt
Cleopatra VII is famous for her extensive use of essential oils and milk baths for skin care and beauty maintenance. She is said to have had a special affinity for frankincense and myrrh oil, used not only for cosmetics but also for their aromatic and therapeutic properties.
### Queen of Sheba
The Queen of Sheba, a prominent figure in both the Bible and the Koran, is known for her visit to King Solomon, in which she brought him precious gifts, including spices and myrrh. These elements were valued for their aromatic and medicinal properties, highlighting the importance of the trade in oils and herbs in the ancient world.
### King Solomon
King Solomon is often associated with wisdom and deep knowledge of nature. He is said to have had lush gardens of medicinal and aromatic plants, which he exploited for their healing properties and for ritual practices.
### Emperor Nero of Rome
Nero, the Roman emperor, is known for his passion for perfumes and his extravagant use of them. He often ordered fountains to be filled with rose petals and had special rooms where perfumes were sprayed through the walls, demonstrating an early appreciation for the power of scents.
### Emperor Charlemagne of the Franks
Charlemagne (Charlemagne) encouraged agriculture and had a great appreciation for medicinal and aromatic plants. He ordered the planting of herb and medicinal herb gardens throughout his empire, highlighting their importance in food and medicine.
### Queen Elizabeth I of England
Elizabeth I of England was known for her interest in cosmetics and the use of plants for personal care. She used various oils and plant extracts to keep her complexion and appearance youthful despite the times when hygienic and cosmetic practices were limited.
These examples illustrate the universal recognition of the healing power of nature and the essential role that herbs and essential oils have played in the lives and health of kings and queens throughout history. By harnessing these natural resources, these royal figures contributed to the preservation and transmission of knowledge about the therapeutic properties of plants.